Coming Up Soon

There are so many things I have to tell you,but now I need to learn how to upload photos to the new computer. Right now I’m posting from the new iPad and it’s kind of uncomfortable. Fun, but wonky. All you need to do is lightly touch the keyboard and it types!

Bear with me as I get myself together. I want to tell you my technology news. And I have beach adventures to report.

The long weekend was very relaxing as I was at the beach twice and the weather was beautiful even as Hurricane Earl was threatening. Nothing happened, but a little breeze thank goodness.

Today the school kids had their first day and rest assured I was going to the beach and boy was it the best! Like I’ve said before Heaven is an empty beach.

Tomorrow maybe photos…maybe.

Need More Batteries?

Yesterday flew by and I never got a chance to visit the electronics stores.  But today is a different story.  After I post here I’m going straight there.  It’s a must, although I’d much rather be at the beach.  It’s going to be a hot one today.  Tempting as it is, I need to do something about the dead computer.

I can remember when there weren’t any computers to be fooling around with.  The thing is, there was always something that we couldn’t do without after having used said thing.  Computers, cell phones, cordless phones, TV remotes, DVR, CD’s, food processors, blenders, microwaves, what else?

Remember pencil and paper?  Forget it.  Low technology is out.  People today don’t even need to hold a book to read one.  Just open up your Kindle or iPad thing.  Make sure the batteries are charged up or forget reading a book!  Anyone remember grating walnuts with a Moulix?  How about beating eggs with a hand held rotory beater in a bowl?  And no batteries or electricity needed.

I don’t know about most people, but I like putting pen to paper or holding a heavy book and flipping the pages as I read.  Just think of the exercise we’re missing out on by not getting up off the couch to change TV channels.

OK, well if I can get myself together and figure out what I’m going to do about my computer I’ll be posting some photos soon.  I know some people are going to want to see what a Moulix and a hand beater looks like.