Technology vs Brains, Winner-Loser

Some days technology is wonderful, once you know how to use it. It’s gloriously fast, efficient, and effective. Other days it can make me want to poke my own eyes out.

Tell me how many mistakes can pencil and paper make? Huh? Yeah, I thought so.

Okay, so the pencil can break, you have to keep sharpening it, a pen can run out of ink, the paper could tear, smudge, become illegible, or lost.

Computers and their ilk, however, are quite another expensive, annoying, make me feel stupid, story.

What’s my problem, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Most of these items need electricity to run, and when not plugged into an outlet periodically, run out of juice. Most of the time an items has run out at the moment I need to use it.

Technology is overrated.

Now, take art, for example. Real, honest, brush/paint/paper/canvas art. Plug it in the electric socket for it to do something? Nope. Plug me and my brain in to do something? Yes. Got it?

Herein lies the rub.

For the art to “work” my brain needs to function properly, which, on certain days, may not happen. But on those days that it works to it’s optimum potential we are golden. Cameras, however, need charged batteries to photograph such moments. Charged fully one day, depleted the next.

And there you have it.

Coming Up Soon

There are so many things I have to tell you,but now I need to learn how to upload photos to the new computer. Right now I’m posting from the new iPad and it’s kind of uncomfortable. Fun, but wonky. All you need to do is lightly touch the keyboard and it types!

Bear with me as I get myself together. I want to tell you my technology news. And I have beach adventures to report.

The long weekend was very relaxing as I was at the beach twice and the weather was beautiful even as Hurricane Earl was threatening. Nothing happened, but a little breeze thank goodness.

Today the school kids had their first day and rest assured I was going to the beach and boy was it the best! Like I’ve said before Heaven is an empty beach.

Tomorrow maybe photos…maybe.

I Hate Computers, Sometimes

Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be finished with this Artist’s Way stuff already.  Slowly, slowly, I continue on.  Well, it’s interesting stuff and helping me to be creative more ofter and feel good about it, but it’s  s  l  o  w. And it’s slow, because I’m so slow on the uptake here.  Ok, give me a break.  I’m getting there. 

My computer is not co-operating today.  I’m sitting at my desk waiting for it to move along, like me I guess.  I was trying to comment on another blog and the computer wouldn’t let me.  How many times did I have to enter the stupid password so the comment would post?  Ack!  So while I was waiting I was tweeting how annoyed I was.  Yes, I’m Miss Social Media now.  And since I couldn’t post my comment fast enough I went over to facebook to look at that.  Finally I decided I’ve had enough, closed down the computer and turned it on again, only to find out that I needed some new add-on or I won’t be able to comment on anything!  Fun!  Turn it on, turn it off, re-start, slap the monitor, let’s go already!  Do I need this?  All I want to do is make my little connections, laugh a little bit, update some stuff, write my post and be outta here!!!  Is that possible?  Huh?

No, the computer says.  You must close down and restart to resume.  Oh lucky me.  I’m thrilled to pieces.  I do it and here I am, late to my own party.  I like getting things done early.  I like waking up early and getting on with my thing.  But today it’s not happening.  Nope!  My morning is wasting away.

I wanted to write about what I read in Walking in This World.  If I could only finish this and be doing what the book says, but I’m not finished and I’m still not doing everything.  I guess it’s no big deal, who’s going to give me an “F”?  Maybe me.  I can’t get out and walk no matter what the book says.  And the Artist’s date thing?  Can you call a trip to the nearest Marshall’s discount store an Artist’s Date?  How about food shopping?  I don’t think that’s what they meant.

The section I wanted to discuss was about insecurity.  The author writes that sometimes we don’t think we’re as good as we are, or as the next guy, and it could make us hostile.  We can become overwhelmed with our state of creativity, but the Universe is not.  There is always endless supplies Plan B. As an artist, we’re encouraged to like ourselves just the way we are.  I guess there’s hope for me after all.  When we’re insecure we end up with self-pity, and that’s not great to wallow in.  Feeling pity, or sorry for one’s self is a little like a self-inflicted drama, poor me thing.  It’s frustrating.  As I read I agreed that “self-pity is born of fatigue and a rest or a nap is beneficial daydreaming.” 

After this long, slow morning with the idiot box I’m playing with I could use a bit of creative daydreaming.  I’ll see you all later, I’ve got things to do!