Abstract Artrage

Artists come in all shapes and sizes. What I mean by that is some of us paint in oils, some in watercolors, or pastels. Some of us are realists, impressionists, abstract artists, or use digital means to convey our imagination creatively. 
I’m not really sure where my style falls. It’s somewhere in the impressionist style, if I had to guess. Shapes and colors, darks and highlights grab my attention. Somewhere in there I need to look at real objects and find the beauty in that. 
In the past I have painted in a super-real style, then I would go  minimalist and paint with few colors  like alizarin crimson, ultramarine blue and add black or white. It’s all good, working the process.
Through the cyber grapevine I recently heard about an application for iPad called Artrage. It sounded like something I would like to use. Think about it, all the fun/work without the clean up. Nice.
For a small fee I downloaded it to my device and started right away at an oil painting using my finger as the brush. I think most of you know that’s how you use iPad anyway, there is no stylus. Let me tell you how great it felt to throw these colors on the make believe canvas! You can even mix and smudge the paint. It’s a great app. 
Now I find out there is a brush-like stylus that’s just been developed to use on iPad as a paint brush and even a drawing tool, called Sensu. When this tool comes out I am definitely buying it. I can’t wait.
Abstract Artrage ©2012 Dora Sislian Themelis
Digital oil on canvas for iPad

So here is my first digital oil painting using my finger on the iPad. How realistic can I get painting on iPad? I have no idea until I purchase and use that stylus. This is a great diversion without the set-up and clean up.

It should be interesting.

Coming Up Soon

There are so many things I have to tell you,but now I need to learn how to upload photos to the new computer. Right now I’m posting from the new iPad and it’s kind of uncomfortable. Fun, but wonky. All you need to do is lightly touch the keyboard and it types!

Bear with me as I get myself together. I want to tell you my technology news. And I have beach adventures to report.

The long weekend was very relaxing as I was at the beach twice and the weather was beautiful even as Hurricane Earl was threatening. Nothing happened, but a little breeze thank goodness.

Today the school kids had their first day and rest assured I was going to the beach and boy was it the best! Like I’ve said before Heaven is an empty beach.

Tomorrow maybe photos…maybe.