Thoughts on Shopping on Thursday

Finally I believe that my shopping for the holiday is done. There are a few more errands to mark off my to-do list, but basically I am finished. Yes, checked the list twice. If I forgot anything there will be trouble!

While at the mall this week, I was stopped by a number of merchants hawking their goods from these small kiosks that pop up this time of year. New Yorker that I am, I was able to deflect most and keep my eye on the tiger. But this one guy had a good move and some how he was buffing my nails! He was selling Dead Sea Salt facial scrubs and his accent said Israeli. And he’s buffing my nails! Oh brother!

He told me his name , but who remembers? He asked my name, my nationality, and my age. Whoa, hold on there mister! All the while buffing my nails, and pitching his wares. I mean really pushing me to buy his facial scrub stuff, discounts and all, but I refused. When I told him my age he eyeballed me intently and said “No way!” He turned to his co-worker and asked her to guess my age. Give me break people. Are they all in on the action or what? Well, this girl guessed a good 15 years younger than I really am and says No way, too.

Ok, fine! So the young guy buffing my nails stops, looks me in the eyes and says,”You know something? You are a gorgeous lady and you look a million bucks. But your nails look 50 cents.”

And with that I said thank you and was gone. Oh geez!

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Author: Dora Sislian Themelis

As a fine artist, I paint, knit, and make jewelry, to figure it all out.

6 thoughts on “Thoughts on Shopping on Thursday”

  1. Lol. The nail buffer guys and gals are here in the South too! Your story is so funny! They always ask me “do you have natural nails?” and even though I do I always say no and keep on walking. Now I know that I made the right choice. Lol.

    I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Dear Dora,
    Oh, sorry for you but thank you for the story that made me giggle. Hopefully, you can leave them a nice joke next time?!
    Cheers, wink, wink,

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