The Sketch Group Day

Last week during my travels I was chatting with a woman who said she was also an artist. We swapped stories, education, and photos of our work. She was retired, much older than me, and was involved in different activities, one of which was a regular Friday morning sketch group. Like me, she made art since a kid. Cool.

Sketch #1 of model, black, brown, white conte crayons

As she inspected the photos of my artwork on my phone, she critiqued each piece with more and more enthusiasm.

“Look at the composition, how you made the eye travel in and around this work! What interesting shapes! The colors you used in this piece draws me in!”

You get the idea, right?

“I know..” I answered. “You’re not humble at all, are you?” she replied.
Well, I do know my stuff. I do have my BFA diploma. How I work isn’t happenstance, it’s planned. I switched my reply to “Thanks!”

Sketch #2 of artist working, black and white conte crayon

When she mentioned I should visit the Friday sketch group, I thought it’d be a good idea if I could get myself to check it out. A model, a company of artists, a new environment, why not try it? I cleared my Friday and took a ride.

Sketch #3 of the organizer, watercolor in Moleskin

The group

When I arrived I found 10 people at work with a male model sitting against a dark fabric as a background. The woman I had met was thrilled to see me, the others, not so much. It seems there’s a limit of 20 adults, but if I joined them regularly it’d be way too many bodies jockeying for a spot. No problem! I was there on a quiet day, and maybe I won’t make another class.


I set up my travel easel in a corner with a view of the model, got out the conte crayons and sketched away. When I was done with the first drawing I next did one of a student at work. After that quick sketch I took out my small watercolor palette and sketched the organizer of the group. Done there, I decided one more sketch and I was out of there so I did a watercolor of the model as my last sketch. Quick and done!

Sketch #4 of the model, watercolor in Moleskin book

The loud, 1950’s music they played was just not for me. The sing-along they all did as they worked was also not for me, “On-ly youoooooo….”

I need quiet. If not quiet, then low volume classical, or talking, like a pod cast.

Next Time

I timed out at 1 1/2 hours, 4 sketches in2 different mediums, 3 poses, sort of. As I looked around at the other artists, also much older group than I am, retired sorts, but they were there 3 hours working on 1 piece in 1 medium, and the following week were going to continue on the same piece in the same pose.

While a good idea, and a change of pace for me, this sketch group is not for me. I’ll have to think of something else. Next!