Moved the Blog Here in One Piece, Hurray!

Having agonized over moving the old blog to this new platform for such a long time, I finally did it today. It’s Saturday, I had the time, since I don’t sleep well any more and I’m awake at 5:00AM. A wise person online said that if you want to learn how to do something go on Google and/or YouTube. How amazingly right they were! That’s what I did, except I talked to people on Twitter and Facebook, too. All great information and direction from helpful individuals.

Every post, comment, and image moved over here with ease. It was so simple I’m ashamed at how awkward and apprehensive I was about actually doing the move. Computers are scary pieces of equipment. It’s not enough there’s so much to learn, it has to give me a heart attack while it does it’s thing.

With that said, I want to welcome my old Blogger pals to WordPress and hope the adventure here will be enjoyable for all of us. As I said back at the old blog, the scenic route is usually the prettiest. And yes, the coffee is still hot here, too.