Side Stepping Mr. Resistance, For Now

Greek Mykonos Bead Bracelet in the Etsy shop
Greek Mykonos Bead Bracelet in the Etsy shop

The world being what it is, with so many things going on in different directions, one’s attention can only hold on for so long.

However, Mr. Resistance has been kept at arm’s length lately. Something must be up with him. Either that, or, I’m getting better at side-stepping him. And, since I’ve showed up at the art space for whatever time I am able to spare, the Muse has bestowed her gracious gifts of creativity on me.

Synchronicity abounds the last couple of days.

A little painting here and there, on the latest work. Some thoughts as to the next work. I even listed some hand made jewelry items in my Etsy shop. May as well get them out there, too. Next up will be paintings that are sitting around having their own quiet conversations. Enough of that!

If I could figure out how to list these items here on my very own website, I’d do it. Since I’m still trying to figure out the dreaded WordPress thing, I’ll stick with the Etsy shop for the time being.

Like I said, it’s a new space. It takes time to decorate.

Some things have to be done as easily as possible. Once I hit that wall, Mr. Resistance will show up again. I am not interested in seeing his return. Nor do I want to risk losing my creative self by missing the Muse’s visit.

So, that’s that with that.