The Time is the Time

Shell Has Company 9x12 Watercolor, Arches paper ©Dora Sislian Themelis $100
Shell Has Company 9×12 Watercolor, Arches paper ©Dora Sislian Themelis $100

Daylight savings time is a real drag on me. When the clocks need to spring forward or fall backward my brain and body can’t handle the action.

My inner clock is thrown off balance. I usually don’t need a watch to tell the time, except when the day comes for the annual clock adjustment thing. The day is dark when it’s supposed to be light, and light when it’s supposed to be dark.

It’s all very confusing to me.

My father used to tell us, “The time is the time!” He had no patience for any thing other than to follow the correct time, whatever season it was.

If you think about it, he was right. Too much time is spent thinking about time, having enough, not having enough, spending it wisely or not. Deciding whether to spend time on doing something worthwhile, or waste it frivolously on nothing much at all.

Should we be busy? Should we stay idle? What’s the best, or worst, use of our time?

Children can’t wait to grow up, and adults wish they were still young. And time does grow short very quickly, no matter how we mark it as we age.

Staying in the present moment is a tough task, but really the only way to slow down time enough to savor and enjoy it. I try to keep my eyes wide open, calculate every movement, use all the senses at once, to really see and watch and learn and remember everything, and everyone, around me.

Otherwise each delicious moment of the day cannot be counted and drift away. Babies grow up, day becomes night, summer turns into winter, and time runs along.