Something New in the New Year

In the Mirror ©1978 Dora Sislian Themelis Oil on Canvas
In the Mirror ©1978 Dora Sislian Themelis Oil on Canvas

Yes, it’s all lovely, the new year and all. That said, I am making hay with it.

Starting the new year right, everyone around me has taken ill with some form of cold or another, even myself.

Honestly, my own upper respiratory illness was so strange the way it came on and hung around, I was sure it was Resistance!

Yes, Mr. Resistance, in the form of a cold so I didn’t have to do my work. Imagine!

Next time, I’ll keep my ideas to myself, rather than blab them all over the internet. I’ll just surprise everyone, that’s all.

Meanwhile, I happened to be floating around Facebook when I came across a blurb about “selfies” and how artists have been doing self-portraits for hundreds of years. The “selfie” is and isn’t like self-portraits. It’s more whimsical, I think, but it had me thinking of all the times in the past when I wanted to paint a subject and the only thing around was me.

I uploaded this oil on canvas I painted of myself while still in art school. I had already painted some other thing, and rather than throw out perfectly good canvas, I painted my likeness right over the old work. I didn’t even bother to gesso over the work, just went ahead and sketched right on top of the colors.

And those curves on the corners? Well I liked to use this old round mirror my parents had in their house to paint myself, and I decided I like the curves so much I added them into my work.

Why not add some little excitement, right?

Might be a good thing in the new year. What do you think?

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Author: Dora Sislian Themelis

As a fine artist, I paint, knit, and make jewelry, to figure it all out.

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