Coming Down After Blasting Off

The Blast Off class is finished today, but not the work. The work continues. And if there is any success at all it’s because I worked the work. Yeah, working the work is where it all works.

There’s something to be said for having a coach, discussing the possibilities, and getting guidance. Making my time really count was something I never really thought about. Having a schedule of the day, the week, and the year makes sense.

In the days ahead I want to revisit all the lessons and chose the ones that I need to take more from. I still have work to do.

I was tolerating an uncomfortable studio space and tweaked it until it felt cozier, but I still didn’t enjoy painting there. The dining room table was much nicer, until I realized I liked it because it was at a different height than my art table. Bingo! I changed the height and it’s nicer. Next up is that stupid overhead light that keeps going out. It must get fixed next week. I get glare from the table lamp on my watercolors when I paint.

Affirmations are up on the wall where I can see them. The vision board isn’t ready yet. However, I have a plan. A working plan.

As a result of all this class work, the next painting is taking shape. The daily schedule will work.

It’s a must. “If it is to be, it is up to me.”

Working on Those Goals

About those goals..yes, I am trying my best to work really hard toward them. I decided the best one I can start on is in the studio. If I make it pleasant, maybe I will enjoy working in it. Maybe is a big word.
It’s a small space in my basement, but it’s mine. On the other side that you can’t see is a larger space we carved out for Son#1 and his musical instruments and other things. Now he has his own house and music space. So I confiscated some of it for me starting with the shelving. 
I moved some posters around and hung more art I did in the past, moved my art books in and generally straightened up. That door leads to a closet I need to paint and put in flat files or shelves, but I dressed it up with a hand embroidered table covering from Cyprus I had. A bamboo folding screen I’ve had forever is blocking a crummy view of an unfinished area of the space. Who needs to see that?
Bead supplies, painting supplies, brushes, small sculptures and other stuff is arranged on and in the shelves. The table on the right is where I left out some bead stuff and ideas. Some things need to stay in view. 
Today I treated myself to a real artist date at a museum nearby. In the afternoon I painted something small in the studio just to keep at it. The 100 Paintings Challenge is proving to be a real doozy. I figured out that I have only January to meet the challenge. 
Will I make it?