I "Heart" Knitting For Now

I spent my Sunday indoors. A quiet house is heaven for me. Anything I might have done outside of the house could be put off to today. Why not enjoy my space? I really like my space, too. Was talking about this same thing with my sister the other day. Some people can’t wait to go out and spend the day off doing whatever, and that’s fine. For some it’s a necessity because they’re working and they get their stuff done. I look for excuses to stay home.

If the weather is good I can be out, but if I don’t have to leave my house why go out? And if I can avoid the mobs on a Sunday, all the better. The Mr. went out and Son#2 followed him. I had my house to myself, with all sorts of possibilities.

I have been put off with that watercolor painting of the apple. You know, the bad highlights and too much paint? So I was laying low with it. Perfect time to segue to the knitting front. Except, I have to undo the skeins of yarn and make knitting-ready, center-pull balls. No easy feat. Mohair and rayon mixed together, although deliciously beautiful, and twisted into a skein, is sometimes very uncooperative. The yarn was sticking to itself as I untied and unraveled it causing me to pull it apart in spots, as I clenched my teeth. But beautiful nonetheless. Yummy colors.

Remember when they used to show knitting and someone had to hold their hands open and apart with the yarn skein wrapped around them while another person wound that yarn into a ball? That was me, except no one was around to hold the skein open. Just as well, because if anyone was around they’d hide if I asked for any help. The dining room chair came in handy as I wrapped the skein around the back and wound up the ball myself. I could make things happen when I want!

However tangled it wanted to be, I untangled it. It looks worse than it was. Mission accomplished. Once I was finished winding the balls I went on to the other knitting project on the list. The colors of these yarns are delicious and fun to watch as they pass over my fingers and needles. I like seeing the fabric that results from knitting with this yarn. I was at home and loving it.

Today will be an errand and outside the house kind of day. And it’s Valentine’s Day. Nothing special going on here except making dinner, as usual, and maybe I’ll bake something chocolate in a heart shaped pan. What’s with all the fuss? Some see love in diamonds and chocolates. Didn’t they just say I love you on Christmas with the same things? Is it the heart shapes? Is it because it’s the dead of winter and people have nothing else to do except have winter depression? It’s another over commercialized day.

I think knitting says I love you, to me!

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Day

The best part of my day is in the early morning.  And a Sunday morning is best of all. Sunday morning is the quietest time of any day of the week. I wake up early every day by habit anyway, even on Sundays.  First things first-coffee making. The smell alone is inviting.

Next, get the newspaper from the porch.  After breakfast, with the kitchen made neat and whoever is out doing their thing, I get to have another coffee, read, do the crossword puzzle, and write the Morning Pages.  Outside no cars are passing by, no people yapping, no kids running around screaming, no gardener idiots, no television on, just peace and quiet.  Heaven.

If I could put this time in a bottle and open it whenever I wanted this feeling I’d do it in a minute.  The only thing that would make this time better would be if I was near the beach.  That’d be perfection.  But I’ll take it this way any time. 

Since I’m writing these three Morning Pages, my brain is quiet, too.  Beautiful.  No brain chatter.  And I’m all alone.  Great.  I love being by myself.  Is that normal?  The Artist Way says it’s normal for creatives to like and need alone time.  I’ve always felt like that, but I thought maybe it’s just weird me.  So I guess it’s fine. 

Not many people want or need to be alone.  In fact some people crave company constantly.  There’s no way I could do that.  I enjoy company, just not all the time. Later in my day I like some activity going on.  Mostly, though, I don’t need all that extra noisy stuff. My brain can’t take it. No thanks. 

With the approaching Christmas holidays come the activities and people and inviting and shopping and doing and coming and going.  I’m already tired thinking about it.  Just give me a little quiet time in a cozy, colorful kitchen with a newspaper and coffee in a pretty cup and I’m good.