Just a Distraction

Rather than paint I got myself involved in jewelry for a couple of days. I needed to distract myself for a while and had wanted to try making knotted bracelets. Many of us in the Greek culture wear a similar style bracelet called Monk’s Knots, supposedly made by monks with black cord, beads, and prayers. 
I’ve seen these in fancy stores made with semi-precious stones and other high end beads. I figure, why not try my hand at it? With some inexpensive materials I had at hand, here is my knotted bracelet. I used glass beads and hemp cord. Not bad for a first time.

I enjoyed myself that day. The next I was rolling along, doing my thing, errands and what-not and look what happens..

Let’s just say I hate taking my empty bottles to the recycling thingy, because look what can happen while there. Is glass known to bounce and jump? I watched a bottle jump out of my bag and break on the ground at my feet. Next thing I see my hand full of blood. How, why, what I can’t remember! Never saw it happen.

No knotting, no painting, no nothing after that. Ouch.