Just Butterflies

As I was writing the Morning Pages in my backyard garden, trying to figure out why inspiration has been fleeting this summer, I noticed a lot of things flying around. Hoping they weren’t some scary buzzing things, I sneaked a peek at the shadows.
What do you think? More than six butterflies were fluttering around my garden and on the butterfly bush. Yes, I guess the name of the flowering thing fits. They were all over it.
I grabbed my camera, and tried to get close not to disturb them, so I could take some shots. It was hard to show just how many of them there were between the foliage and the sunlight. 

It was early in the morning, my favorite time of day. Quiet, with the sun sending out it’s rays and warming the air, glistening the moisture on the flowers. 
No kids yelling, no lawn mowers, no construction guys, garbage men. Just butterflies. 

Tuesday No-Show at the Easel

Daylilies and Hydrangea in the garden at 7AM this morning

Sorry I was a no-show yesterday.  I had one of those days that would not stop for anything.  My morning started at the farmer’s market.  I was disappointed with the produce as the veggie guy didn’t have much with him.  Maybe he was having a bad growing week.  Then the fruit guy was out of fruit, so I visited the cheese guy and bought cheese.  Okay.  Cheese is not fruit, but I decided to splurge.  I love cheese.

When I returned home I had phone calls to make that I have been putting off.  House stuff, laundry (people need clean clothes you know), oh and a library stop to pick up books I ordered.  Tried to cross things off the to-do list and not making much of a dent.

After lunch I was meeting a good friend for Starbucks coffee and to dish the dirt!  We don’t get too many chances to get together often so it was a real treat.  That took up three, nice long hours, but worth every minute!  She’s an art lover and is encouraging me to set up some sort of gallery show somewhere.  I’d like to do that, but I’m afraid I may not have enough work.  I have to think about it.

Later I had to plan our dinner, prepare the dinner, serve the dinner, clean up after dinner and finally sit down in front of the TV to just veg. 

Painting? Nope.  Thinking about painting?  Yup.  Planning the next painting already even though the current one isn’t finished at all? Uh huh!  What’s interesting is that I’m not in resistance mode, just moving along.

I’ll try again today.