The Last Minute Holiday Shopping Event

At the last minute I decided to throw my hat in the ring and participate in this holiday shopping event in Long Island City, NY. LIC is a neighborhood that is evolving and becoming very chic with trendy restaurants and shops, a stone’s throw from Manhattan, but in the borough of Queens. The Museum of Modern Art re-located in the area a few years ago while the Manhattan location was under renovation, bringing awareness and people.

I liked the idea of showing my work in an art gallery space, and thought this would be a good opportunity. It was a nice event, with lovely co-vendors, organizer, and shoppers. People admired my handmade work and paintings, and I was lucky to sell a few pieces.

Ten10 Studios Carriage House, LIC, NY

My table of items

Close up of my items for sale

Another view of my table

The studio space

The highlight of the day for me was when a group of young brothers came to shop for Christmas gifts. One of them wanted to buy my watercolor painting of tomatoes for his grandmother. When he asked his mother for the money, she said to try finding something a little less expensive. Okay.

He then chose a colorful painting of a coffee pot, pepper, and sea shell. Imagine that? What boy decides to buy art as a Christmas gift? I was impressed.

Knitting Until I’m Dizzy

Even though I haven’t returned to the painting I was working on when the hurricane hit, I have been very busy. So busy that I think I’m giving my hands carpal tunnel syndrome. 
I have been knitting my brains out. 
Knitting WIPs (Works In Progress)
Knitting Christmas gifts. Knitting to sell at the holiday shopping event. Knitting the Christmas gift after Christmas. Knitting items to sell at the next shopping event in February. Knitting, Knitting, Knitting!
I’d really like to show you the finished products, but Artist ADD me forgot to take photos of the items before gifting/selling them. 
  1. Here’s what you see in this photo of some WIP on the needles and yarn of items already finished: Luscious purple yarn on the needles is a big rib chunky cowl thing I dreamed up. It’s similar to the reddish knit above it, but bigger and with sparkly sequins. I gave a couple as gifts to family members and sold quite a few too. It’s a great look with a hint of glam.
  2. Chocolate brown yarn with multi-colored flecks is a crochet work, an afghan I promised Son #2. With no time to finish it by Christmas, I just gave him a gift bag with the yarn in it. Of course, he looked at me as if I had two heads when he opened his “gift”. 
  3. The two balls of yarn on the lower left are samples of big rib cowls already knit, and waiting for their turn on the needles.
There you have it. 
My habit is to paint/jewelry/house stuff during the working day, and knit at night in my cozy corner in the living room while The Mr. flips channels on the television. Perfect.
I have to learn to put away the knitting during the day. Just get it out of my sight because I could be lured to knit when I have other work to do. Not good. I could lose hours of precious painting time that way. 
And it seems as if I already have.

Knitting. No, Not Painting

It’s about time I showed you what I’ve been up to lately. I know, I know, I should show you the last painting I was working on when Hurricane Sandy stopped me cold, but I don’t feel like it.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy in the creative department. No. Believe me when I tell you I have been wandering around the studio eyeballing that painting. I’m just giving in to Resistance for the time being, and I think it’s a healthy move. Why push it?
Just leaving it alone for now and getting my fill of color and productivity by knitting. Besides, there are a couple of holiday shopping events on the calendar and I want to have some pretty things to bring besides my paintings.

Hand Knits @Dora Sislian Themelis

Nice, thick, plush and cozy big knit stitch cowl/neck warmers up top and baby/toddler hats on the bottom of the photo, are keeping me busy. One of the cowls came up short after I knit it up so I had to rip back, and I’ll get to it later.

A Holiday Shopping Event

The holiday shopping event was interesting. It was organized by a women’s imaging office in my area and if you can think of the warren of rooms in a medical office with a reception/waiting room and narrow hallways with little consultation rooms, that’s where this took place.
I might have been the only person with really handmade items. Other vendors had plenty of merchandise to offer, mostly mass produced jewelry and accessory items. 
My corner was next to a couple of book authors in the consultation room. 
Eventually I filled the wall with artwork next to my table. Otherwise it would have been hard to show paintings sitting flat. Anyway, I did the best I could with the space I had.

The people were lovely, giving great comments and compliments on my work. Most of them asked if the paintings were made by hand. Huh?

I’m not sure if they thought they were photos or what, but they were surprised to learn that, yes, I actually used a brush and paint to make the work. Oy.

And I actually used needles and yarn to make the knit items. And I actually used tools to string or wire the jewelry. Geez.

Yeah, I did make all that.

Photos for Friday

Here is a small sample of items handmade by me! Visit my Etsy shop and my Facebook page for more items and contact information if you are interested in purchasing anything you fancy.

Hand Knit Baby Bonnet in Red from 6 months and up

Hand Knit Baby Bonnet in Soft Yellow from 6 months and up

Unisex Knotted Bracelet with various Greek Mykonos beads

Women’s Strung Bead Bracelet with Turquoise and Glass beads

Latest bracelets for Men and Women

Always Busy Doing Something

When I was a kid I was always busy doing some thing.  I could amuse myself quite well.  Being the first born and alone, until my sister came along by the time I was five, I had drawings to do, daydreams to have, a special imaginary friend, and a grandmother with her own creative and imaginative spirit.

My grandmother lived with us.  She would draw pictures, make her own dolls, sew and knit clothes, and tell me the stories of her life.  We were a lot alike that way.  She taught me how to use a tiny crochet hook to make lace doilies with french crochet threads I can barely see with glasses now.   She told us stories of when she was young in Greece, how they made their own toys.  Her brothers and sisters were older and she had to amuse herself, too.  Later, when she came here to the U.S., in the middle of the Great Depression she had to make do with what she had.  Many times a dress she knit that she no longer favored ended up being reknit into a sweater, and later on, a blanket!  She’d just rip it out, untangle the skeins and knit a new item.  Talk about reuse, repurpose and recycle.

I always have many projects going on at once.  This time I finished a couple of things!  The new baby was welcomed with two handknit blankets.  The teal item I showed you here a little while ago was a pretty, knit lap sized baby blanket with a wavy border all around it.  The second was a crocheted afghan in a fun shell pattern, large enough for when she gets older and has a big bed.  Covering all the bases here!  The fact that I finished two items was an accomplishment.

Above are my projects at the moment.  Three pairs of socks, one of which is just for me.  I think I deserve a pair of handknit socks, too.  The pastel thing is a baby sweater I started when I first picked up knitting after years of not knitting.  I chose a baby sweater because I thought it was a nice small item that I wouldn’t have to really size to a regular body.  I had knit scarves before, and crocheted plenty of blankets and doilies, but not a garment.

What did I learn from knitting a baby sweater?  I learned that the yarn is thinner and so it takes longer to knit!  Great.  And, since I hadn’t finished putting it together, needing to knit another sleeve, I realized my gauge was off anyway and ripped the whole thing out.  I took it apart and reknit the front, the back, the little pocket and the one sleeve.  Now that I have a baby to give it to I would like it to look right.  When gauge is off baby, it’s not going to fit anything, anyone, even a baby!

See those rocks on the side up there?  I took them from the beach when we went on our excursion to Greenport, NY.  My plan is to throw them together with the sea shells from Pt. Lookout beach near my home and paint them.  Next up, quick still life.  Umm, I’m ignoring the hydrangea for now.  Doing alot of that lately.  Yes, I’m busy.