Yet Again, the Operative Word is Yes

I said “Yes” again. Am I becoming braver as I go along? I don’t know about brave, but I’ve been more agreeable to new things. I take long thinking things over though. Then I say yes. Yes to blogging. Yes to social media stuff. Yes to going to the beach alone to paint. Yes to the 100 Paintings Challenge.

The latest Yes is to a weekend workshop a short drive from my area. The Art Biz Coach, Alyson B. Stanfield is coming to Long Island, NY to help artists get their act together business-wise. The host is a group called Women Sharing Art. They are not located in my immediate area so I’m not familiar with them. But I have read Alyson’s book I’d Rather Be in The Studio. It covers the business side of things they don’t teach you in art school.

Maybe it was last year, I found out a workshop was happening in Pennsylvania. Although do-able driving wise, I didn’t try to go. It’s a couple hours and I felt uncomfortable going somewhere I’d never driven before, and alone. This time around this is happening not quite an hour from my home, but I still had trepidations.

Would I benefit? As the time came closer I decided that if I could clear my calendar I would go. I did and said Yes. Anything else that pops up now has to wait. I think reading a book for information is great. Attending a class with an instructor in an informal setting with peers is even better.

After submitting my application I received some information on what is needed for the two day workshop. Of course paper and writing implements, but Alyson asked that we bring our portfolio, business cards, and if we have it, our artist statement. Oh boy!

I wrote an artist statement a while ago when I was asked to do the possible book deal thing. I checked Alyson’s book for an outline and wrote one up. It probably needs work, but okay. The portfolio is another story. What do I bring? Both old and new work?

Thinking I had Sunday to put this together I started looking through my latest paintings. Well, wouldn’t you know the garden guys show up. And they have questions. And instructions. And they want to shoot the breeze. Um, yes, haha, I have stuff to do! Thanks alot, but I’d like to go back to my thing, you go do your thing, and everyone will be happy! No.

What you see is where I am up to..nothing done.