Photos for Friday

Day 1 of the big, fat Greek festival in the mad-house which is our flea market. People were lined up outside the door, waiting for first dibs on the treasures. Once allowed in they flooded the flea market space like the tsunami you watch on the news, rolling in slow and strong and knocks out everything in it’s path. The flea market is like that.

When it’s over all you’re left with is the devastation, the clean-up, and some breathing space to regroup. It’s going to be a long weekend.

Photos for Friday

It was a very stormy morning today here in New York.  We had the remnants of Hurricane Nicole dump buckets of water on us.  Rain, wind, and flooding as you can see.  The thing I don’t get is that drivers think their cars are boats, or tanks, or something.  Why would they fly into a deep puddle of water like that and keep going at top speed, making a wake not unlike a speed boat in the ocean?  Are they idiots, or what?  Or are they just brave?  Aren’t they afraid to get stranded in such deep water?  Even a couple of inches of water can cause a car to stall out and float.  I’ve seen it happen.

I don’t get it.