Resistance is a Killer

Resistance is a funny thing. Funny as in, not so funny. Funny as in, a killer. A killer of motivation, inspiration, the feeling of wanting to do something and the non-energy to move. 
Yeah. Resistance is all that. Back to the proverbial drawing board, as they say.
The point is in the process. Paint something! Good, bad, whatever. Just do it. Sit down, get something on paper, never mind what we think about the ‘something’. The point is to work. 
Yes, I know all that. So why is it so hard to actually DO it? Don’t ask me. I decided to go back to reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Strangely enough, after I had re-read the first chapter, I felt empowered enough to paint. Even if it meant what I painted was dumb. Even if the outcome was sub-par, I did it.
I put down the book, gathered my stuff and headed outside to the front garden. The summer blooms have faded. All that’s left are the seed heads of the pink daisies and other perennials, although the asters are just starting their fall show of periwinkle blue.

Mixing colors to try for periwinkle wasn’t working so I did my best, adding color where I felt it needed to go, then I stopped. Remember, it could go to trash quickly if I don’t stop myself.

Finding time this weekend, I went back and added some detail. Whatever I think about this work I will keep to myself. Do the seed heads really need to look like the real thing? Not really. I just wanted to paint with color for a breezy feeling, hoping the process would take me there.

Seed Heads ©2012 Dora Sislian Themelis
14×20 Watercolor, Arches cold press paper

The paper was dry and it was easy to add strokes of paint to areas I thought needed it.  Am I happy with it? Eh, let’s just say I’m glad I got something on paper.

Did it. Done.

Itchy for a Getaway to Somewhere

Did you ever get that itchy feeling you want to do something, but not sure what that something is? Go somewhere, see something, enjoy the scenery..something?

There is something about a free day, with a warm sun that says “get going somewhere” to me.

Lately it’s been a wonderful habit of mine to run down to the beach when I get that getaway feeling. So what that it’s September, or October. Just me, my chair, a book, food, iced coffee, and my travel watercolor paint set. If I wait too long to decide, like by 1PM, I might not bother. Even noon could be too late for me. I like to go, spend an hour or so and return.

Then there’s the other people. If I tell someone I feel like going to the beach they might say something that makes me think it’s not a good idea. I think it’s great, others think it’s weird. Some others like it.

Eisenhower Park, Westbury, NY

Well, I say it’s my time to recharge, re-motivate, reinvigorate, have an hour vacation, and possibly paint. So, what’s the problem?

Maybe people think it’s kind of anti-social to want to be alone. I think it’s my time and I need to spend it in a place out in nature that makes me feel good, and helps my art brain to shut up and be quiet. No big thing to it.

Last week, with a clear sky above and the hot sun feeling really good on my face, I wanted to jump in the car and head to the beach. But. All those “buts” started coming my way. The time was passing, I wasn’t ready, and I started feeling funny about bothering. Should I go? Should I stay?

Back and forth I tossed the thought around in my head. If I go, should I wear clothes or will I be boiling? Wear a bathing suit, or will I be freezing?

At the Park @2012 Dora Sislian Themelis
5×7 Watercolor, Canson paper

When I finally decided I had to go somewhere and stop thinking so much, it was even closer than the beach, to Eisenhower Park. It has wide open spaces where I could plop myself in my chair and do the same things I would if I was at the beach, minus the bathing suit.

And man, was it hot. So hot, I thought I should’ve just gone to the beach, in my bathing suit.

Lost Motivation and Finding a Way Around Resistance

Over the weekend I read a post somewhere online about fighting with Resistance.

Yes, my favorite topic.

The writer, whom I can’t remember so I apologize, wrote something like “When you are in pain, make great art. You have no money, make great art. You lost your best friend, make great art.” Sounds like a plan. Right?

Okay. It’s time to revisit a book about the subject, The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield.

Before I continue I need to share. Today I attended church services for a favorite saint, St. Phanourios. People pray to him for help in finding lost things. To return the favor and thank him for his help, parishioners bring a special baked cake to share with everyone after the service.

Original icon of St. Phanourios of Rhodes

I can’t find plenty of things throughout the year, so I baked the cake, grateful for the saint’s help. But right now I need to ask him to help me find a way to avoid Resistance.

Nothing helps me better than reading a good book about a topic, so with the urge I took for a nudge from St. Phanourios, I opened The War of Art and started to read it.


The author lists things that bring up Resistance, like any diet or health regimen, any calling, education of any kind, any kind of courage, any enterprise, etc. Pressfield describes Resistance and it’s characteristics with short, pithy paragraphs, with biting titles.

This one stuck with me as I read:

 Resistance is Insidious 

“Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work. It will perjure, fabricate, falsify; seduce, bully, cajole. resistance is protean. It will assume any form, if that’s what it takes to deceive you, it will reason with you like a lawyer or jam a nine-millimeter in your face like a stickup man. Resistance has no conscience. It will pledge anything to get a realm then double-cross you as soon as your back is turned. If you take Resistance at it’s word, you deserve everything you get. resistance is always lying and always full of crap.” pg. 9

 Ooph! I felt that kick in the butt. Thank you, St. Phanourios. It could be just what I was looking for.