
When there’s so much going on I lose my appetite, and not just for food. Even when the power came back I just didn’t feel like running to post photos. I didn’t even take many photos. Just wasn’t feeling it. 
Paint? Nothing. Who feels like painting?
We were prepared to be homebound for a few days because of the approaching hurricane. Okay. I’ve been through storms that left us without power for a couple of days in the past.  We had food, my stove works with gas, we had hot water, and a fireplace. Batteries, candles, flashlights, gas in the cars.
But nothing prepared anyone for the resulting aftermath of this storm. No power, television, internet, telephone, cell phones were dropping calls. And we were lucky compare to people living on the Long Island coast. Some of them have lost everything, homeless.
Then the blizzard came. We finally had lights, and then we didn’t again.
Right now I can hear chain saws trying to cut up my neighbor’s huge white oak that landed into the next guy’s yard. Four days and it’s still not done. Our tree fell and took down the utility pole, the wires to the house, the back neighbor’s trees and branches of other trees. Those roots left a huge crater, and took out some of my beloved azaleas. 
Normal is going to have to take a while.

But I Like the Photograph

Dance Party (c)2011 Dora Sislian Themelis
8×12 Watercolor on Arches paper

Well, it’s finished. Or let’s just say I’m finished with this. I had to stop. If I had continued I am not sure what kind of mess I would have gotten myself into. There was nothing else to do at this point.

Shall I tell you what I like, or what I don’t like? How about this: I like the photograph I took of the original scene. The suggestion from you dear readers to add lights or banners was a huge help. I decided to make it look like an outdoor party and the lights strung over head were just what this needed. Not to mention the fact that in Greece they decorate exactly like this.

I’m not so sure what else to say about it. But if you have something to offer go ahead and let me have it. Good, bad, doesn’t matter. Tell me your opinion. I’m an adult. I can take it.