What People Think I Do

Blew my weekend. There was no time for me, my paints, my studio, the jewelry,or the latest pair of hand knit socks on the needles. So I got nothing! Pardon my New York English.

Around here we don’t do the Superbowl Sunday thing. We do the Daytona 500! Vrrrrooooommmm! And guess who does our catering? Yeah, you guessed it. Me. I’ve been shopping and cooking, shaking and baking. Well, not really, but I did enough.

(And the dopey race was rained out! We had the party without the race. Oh well, there was still the Oscars.)

Inviting people over means you have to straighten up your place, and have food and drink. At my house The Mr. invites and then calls the caterer, me.

Artwork had to wait while I did my catering gig. I’m calling it a gig because hosting company is a JOB. Not to mention all the others things I do around here.

House stuff is a JOB, full time, full on, all day. Add a gathering and it’s all that plus. Exhausting.

But what about my ART job? What do people think I am doing here?

I’ll tell you what I’m NOT doing. I’m not sitting on my couch watching television throwing chocolates in my mouth. I’m so busy that if I was working outside the house I’d be doing two jobs. I was home with the kids because my trusted family members were all working. The Mr. has a business and I help out from there and from the home computer. And now the sheer delight of my week, The Princess.

But I work the art business into the day.

On facebook I found this funny meme thing that’s been going around..

This guy Garnet Hertz, created this and it cracks me up. This is for and about artists and it’s so true what people think we are doing.  I love it.
Someone has to come up with one for women who are at home holding up the household.